At the end of each year, we check to see which images we posted on the Burnaby Lake Park Instagram account made the list as our “Best Nine” determined by how many likes received from the people who follow our account. Well, well! Y’all really like birds! What a wonderful way to support 2018 and the International Year of the Bird.
1. Mandarin Duck by @bcbirder2000
2. Canada Goose daycare with floofy goslings by @lindzmarsh
3. Mandarin Duck perching in a tree by Sheila & John Linn
4. Bird’s eye view of a frosty lake by our fave @amberontheair
5. Violet Green Swallows by @ms_marie_rc
6. Wood Duck Drake taking off from the Lake by @eaglesdarephoto
7. Bird Parade to open up the International Ornithological Conference by @vanconventions
8. Floofy Canada Goose gosling by @markklotz
9. “Like water off of a (Wood) Duck!” by @jadebrads
Check out these photographers and give them a follow!
Thank you to all who share their photos on this social media and tag us at #BurnabyLake or #BurnabyLakePark. – We love to share your views of Burnaby Lake with the community near and far, and help others discover what a special place our home is.
Here’s to 2019!