Photo: I. Lau
As we celebrate beautiful BC this weekend, we’re happy if you decide to visit our home sweet home.
Just a few things to ensure everyone can enjoy the park:Please stay home if you’re not feeling well. The park will be there when you feel better.
Remember to keep physical distance from others outside your bubble. (A cougar or eagle wingspan apart
Do not gather in large groups
Be prepared – bring hand sanitiser, water, a hat, a map – the main trail is 10 km and it can be a lot on a hot summer day
Dispose of used tissues and masks properly. There are bins located around the park.
Keep four-legged friends on leash
for the safety of birds, wildlife, theirs and other park visitors. Check out the Canine Code of Conduct.
No bicycles on trails; please use the Central Valley Greenway.
As Doctor Bonnie says: “Be kind, be calm and be safe.”
These simple but important steps will ensure we all enjoy Nature!