Now that it’s September*, WEEDBUSTERS IS BACK!
Join us at our habitat restoration work parties as we start up again this month:
- Saturday, September 16 – 10 am to 1 pm – Meet at BLPA Nature House – Sign up here
- Saturday, September 23 – 10 am to 1 pm – Meet at Lenson Garage – Sign up here
No experience necessary. We have developed an orientation program so new volunteers can start to join us again in our stewardship work. You will learn about the BLPA, how we work with Metro vancouver Regional Parks, why your contribution to our work is important, how to identify invasive species that have become established and replaced native species and how to safely remove them.
Training, tools and refreshements will be provided.
Spaces are limited. Registration required.
More events will be added soon.
* The BLPA adheres to the guidelines set out by the provincial Wildlife Act and federal Migratory Birds Convention Act. to reduce the risk of disturbance and harm to nesting birds, from mid-March to August 31.