Category Archives: Annual General Meeting

BLPA Board – Call for Expression of Interest

The BLPA is looking for a few new directors to join the Board at our next Annual General Meeting which will take place on May 19, 2021. For the term ahead, we are currently searching for individuals who can contribute to the organization with their developed skills in one or more areas such as:

  • Financial Management
  • Stewardship and Ecological Restoration
  • Project Management
  • Human Resources

In addition, ideal candidates will have any of the following:

  • Passion for Burnaby Lake Regional Park and Nature
  • Strong interest in protecting our parks
  • Experience working with nonprofit boards

So what does it mean to be on the BLPA Board? 

  • This graphic shows the general responsibilities both of the Board as a collective of its Fiduciary duties, and for the individual board member. 
  • The term is for two years. 
  • Additional information can be found in the BLPA’s Constitution & Bylaws in sections 5, 6 and 7.
  • The BLPA Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month, 7-9 pm. We are currently meeting by Zoom.
  • When we are able to meet in person again, they will take place at the Metro Vancouver Central Area office on Avalon Avenue.
  • Additional time spent depends on what else you decide to get involved with such as subcommittees (e.g., governance, stewardship) and/or hands on volunteering with activities such as stewardship and outreach. 

We appreciate our new members providing a valuable fresh perspective on things and new ideas.

Interested candidates are asked to prepare a cover letter and resume outlining their skills and experience related to the position. Both should be submitted with an Expression of Interest form to Manish Kumar, Chair of the Nominating Committee at manish.k.mani (at)

DEADLINE: 5 pm, March 30, 2021.

If you have any further questions, you can contact the BLPA’s Chair, Irene Lau.

Download: Expression of Interest form.

BLPA Virtual Annual General Meeting 2020

This year, due to COVID-19 situation, the Burnaby Lake Park Association will be holding a virtual Annual General Meeting online using Zoom.

On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, you are invited to join us virtually at 7:00 PM PDT as we highlight some of the BLPA’s activities over the past year as well as well as take care of some required society business.

Existing BLPA members will be contacted directly with meeting link and supporting documents.

If you are not a member, but would like to attend, please register on our event page here.

While all our volunteers and community members are welcome to attend. only members will be allowed to vote.

Tips for Webinars, Virtual Meetings & Video Conferencing During ...

Annual General Meeting


Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 7:00 pm

Location:  Metro Vancouver Parks Central Area Office, 9146 Avalon Ave., Burnaby, BC

For the following purposes:

  • Hear reports from the Board of Directors of the Burnaby Lake Park Association (BLPA)
  • Present the financial statements of the BLPA
  • Present the results from the Nomination Committee and conduct BLPA Elections

Please RSVP or for more information contact: 

  • Ann Green, BLPA Coordinator: e-mail or phone 778-834-9030
  • Trina Sakata, CDC Metro Vancouver Parks: 604-520-6442

Check the event details for directions