Join us at our first pop up display of the year!
We’ll have our display set up so you can take a look at actual nest boxes and learn about this program that the BLPA first started in 1976.
We’ll have our display set up so you can take a look at actual nest boxes and learn about this program that the BLPA first started in 1976.
Find out what we have been up to this Spring, get to know a founding member of the BLPA, progress on our stewardship work, the International Year of the Salmon and learn about the tracking tool, eBird.
You can read it online here.
You may have seen on the news that a wayward Mandarin Duck has splashed down in New York City’s Central Park on October 31 and causing a major media fuss with thousands of people descending upon the park trying to catch a glimpse and snap a photo of this exotic looking bird.
Word got out to local media that there was one of these beauties in their own back yard. CBC Vancouver contacted us and we had the opportunity let them know our Mandarin Duck has been around since Spring, but we have been our polite Canadian selves and kept things low-key.
“He has been around since May. The Burnaby Lake community has been very Canadian-like as we are with any unfeathered celebrity and not bothered him too much by keeping a respectful distance.”
We were also provide some information about perching ducks, its cousin the Wood Duck, and where to look for him. Click here to read the full story.
Other mentions of the Burnaby Lake Mandarin Duck have appeared on Global News, Province/Vancouver Sun (mentions our summer newsletter which features Sheila Linn’s photo), Vancouver Courier, and Vancouver is Awesome.
The best way to keep up with his whereabouts is to search #burnabylake on Instagram. We will add a mini gallery when we collect a few images from local photographers.