MVRP Beaver Wetland Paddle

Burnaby Lake Nature House 4519 Piper Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Join a leisurely paddle to the headwater of the Brunette River. Enjoy sunset and watch for beavers and other wildlife. $22.50 per person Registration required Barcode 7723 AGES 13+ 604-432-6359 Register now!


Weedbusters 2019-5

Burnaby Lake Glencarin Trail Entrance Glencarin Drive, Burnaby, BC, Canada

PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE FROM JUNE 23 Be a champion for native plants! Join us in tackling and removing invasive species: non-native plants that have become established and replaced native species around Burnaby Lake. We’ll provide gloves, tools, and snacks. Dress for the weather, solid footwear for uneven or marshy terrain, and possibly trekking through […]

MVRP Beaver Wetland Paddle

Burnaby Lake Nature House 4519 Piper Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Join a leisurely paddle to the headwater of the Brunette River. Enjoy sunset and watch for beavers and other wildlife. $22.50 per person Registration required Barcode 7729 AGES 13+ 604-432-6359 Register now!
