Welcome Back Weedbusters

Now that it’s September*, WEEDBUSTERS IS BACK

Join us at our habitat restoration work parties as we start up again this month:

  • Saturday, September 16 – 10 am to 1 pm – Meet at BLPA Nature House – Sign up here
  • Saturday, September 23 – 10 am to 1 pm – Meet at Lenson Garage – Sign up here

No experience necessary. We have developed an orientation program so new volunteers can start to join us again in our stewardship work. You will learn about the BLPA, how we work with Metro vancouver Regional Parks, why your contribution to our work is important, how to identify invasive species that have become established and replaced native species and how to safely remove them.

Training, tools and refreshements will be provided.

Spaces are limited. Registration required.

More events will be added soon.

* The BLPA adheres to the guidelines set out by the provincial Wildlife Act and federal Migratory Birds Convention Act. to reduce the risk of disturbance and harm to nesting birds, from mid-March to August 31.

Get to Know the Nature Around You

Join the Burnaby Lake Park Association on guided walks to help you connect to nature in the environment around you.

Have you ever gone for a walk in the park and saw a cool looking insect, pretty flower or beautiful bird and you wondered what it was?

Sign up for a  guided Nature Walk with a BLPA Guide to learn how to use some of the most popular nature apps to help identify what you have seen and connect to Nature! They will review how to make an observation using the app and offer tips and tricks to get the best identification for your nature encounters and keep track of them.

You will be able to go out and use the apps right away in the park and may “snap” a photo of many of the native species that BLPA volunteers have planted, and the year round and seasonal birds that have been observed at Burnaby Lake!

Our tent and display will be set up twice this month in front of the Nature House from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm:

  • Sunday, August 13th
  • Sunday, August 27th

There will be a session for iNaturalist and one for Merlin Bird ID/eBird on each day. For details and registration information, click on the dates above.

Spaces are limited. Guided walks are FREE but registration is required for each walk. When you register, The registration links above will provide full details on how to download the apps and set up your accounts so you are prepared for the day of the event.

What is iNaturalist?

  • It is one of the world’s most popular nature apps
  • It helps you identify the plants and animals around you.

What are Merlin and eBird?

  • They are 2 of the world’s most popular birding apps
  • The Merlin app helps you identify the birds around you – by sight or sound!
  • eBird creates a checklist of the birds you have seen so you can track your observations

By recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. Using these apps connects you to a community off over a million citizen scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature!

You can take your skills with these apps with you! Whether you are going for a walk in your neighbourhood, on a hike in a provincial park or even travel to a different country thousands of kilometers away, these apps will help you identify the nature around you.

BLPA at Burnaby Pride 2023

The Burnaby Lake Park Association is excited to be participating in Burnaby Pride activities this year. The BLPA supports all community members, and welcomes BIPOC community members to volunteer or participate in our regularly offered free programming such as nature outings. Our Board is composed of several members of the BIPOC community and we are guided by a commitment to inclusion and equity in all that we do.

We are participating in two events on Saturday, July 22.

9:00 to 10:30 AM
First, celebrate Burnaby Pride with a guided bird outing for members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies at Burnaby Lake Regional Park! All skill levels welcome.  Space limited. Free but registration required. Details and registration here.

12:00 to 6:00 PM
Then we will be headed to the Burnaby Pride Festival at Burnaby Civic Square with our information booth so you can find out about our activities and how to get involved. This event is organised by Burnaby Pride.

See you there!