Eagle Creek Streamkeepers Salmon Release 2017

Our friends, the Eagle Creek Streamkeepers will have their annual salmon release on Saturday, April 8.  We’ll have our information on display – Join us there!


Eagle Creek begins on Burnaby Mountain where it is fed by a large watershed, runs through Montecito and the nearby Squint Lake, through Burnaby Mountain Golf Course, culverted under Broadway and Lougheed Highway, runs through Charles Rummel Park, along Warner Loat Park to Burnaby Lake. Salmon are a native part of Eagle Creek’s ecosystem. The members of the Eagle Creek Streamkeeper Society protect, preserve and enhance the Eagle Creek watershed habitat, through environmental education and volunteer involvement.  Contact details are on the poster.

Annual General Meeting


Mark your calendars for our Annual General Meeting!

It will take place on Wednesday, April 19th at 7:00 pm (time TBC).

We’ll publish the agenda by April 5th but you’l find out what we’ve been up to over the past year, and how you could can get involved in some of our projects for the rest of the year.

If you would like further information or request to be put on the email list, please contact our Volunteer coordinator Ann at info@burnabylakepark.ca.

GREEN means GO!

And the green we are starting to see around Burnaby Lake Regional Park!

With the recent rains and warmer temperatures, the trail conditions are much better but there are some still some icy and soggy bits. Please remember to dress for the conditions including waterproof boots (knee high is really good!) and bring your waders if you have them.
Meet at the rowing Pavilion, where we’ll give out further instructions and divide into working groups.

See you tomorrow!

Nest Box Monitoring 2017
