Nest Box Update


We have had a look at the trails around the Land and after consulting with park operations, determined they are not safe to hold the nest box program on the 22nd. We have decided to wait until next month when the we’re pretty sure we’ll be back to our normal conditions.

New date:  Saturday, February 18, 10 am to 1 pm, Meet at the Rowing Pavilion.

Please RSVP to to be added to the list so we can keep you up to date on any weather related changes.


Birds Eye View of Burnaby Lake Regional Park by Amber Belzer (@AMBERontheair) via Instagram (01-19-17)

Nest Boxes – Sun. January 22 – Location Update

Well, the rains have returned and with luck the ice and snow and ice will have a chance to melt to the extent we can safely work, by the weekend. The forecast is for rain for most of the week with the heaviest on Saturday. Sunday is forecast to be a mix of rain and sun.

On Sunday, January 22, we will try to hold the work party to meet at the Rowing Pavilion,  10 am to 1 pm. Click here for a map.

Please dress appropriately for the weather and waterproof footwear is strongly suggested. If you happen to have rubber boots that go up to the knees (or higher!) they could also be useful as some of us will need to cross streams to get to the nest boxes.

Check local forecasts and do keep in mind that there has been a lot of snow and ice at Burnaby Lake.

Please RSVP to our volunteer coordinator at so you can be kept informed of up-to-date weather decisions or if you have any questions.


Weather Conditions and the BLPA Nest Box Program

The Burnaby Lake Park Association is still planning to hold the 2017 Nest Box servicing work parties but as you have noticed the weather has not cooperated with us so far this year. The long range forecast calls for a very cold week capped with snow and rain on the weekend.

The area around the lake is treacherous with many of the nest boxes inaccessible for us to safely hold the work parties so were are:

  • January 15 (10 am – 1 pm) at the Rowing Pavilion – POSTPONED – Our volunteer coordinator will be in contact with you if you are on the mailing list when we have a new date set
  • January 22 (10 am – 1 pm) at the Nature House (at Piper Street Entrance)  – GOING AHEAD AS SCHEDULED – This will depend on the accessibility of the boxes out on the marshy area and, of course, the weather! We may change the location if it becomes necessary.

Please stay tuned for any further updates.
Contact our volunteer coordinator directly by e-mail: and get added to the email list; a message will be sent out once we have plans finalized.