Category Archives: Invasive Species Removal

Our Summer Newsletter is here!

Our Summer Newsletter is fresh off the press!

Find out what we have been up to this Spring, get to know a founding member of the BLPA,  progress on our stewardship work, the International Year of the Salmon and learn about the tracking tool, eBird.

You can read it online here.



It’s EcoBlitz time again!

BLPA-Annual Ecoblitz

The first EcoBlitz was held in 2014 and was a one day event across the Metro Vancouver Regional Parks System. It was an opportunity for the community to lend a helping hand to nature and show a little extra love to our Regional Park.

In 2014 and 2015, we removed invasive species from an area known as the North Avalon Restoration Site (NARS). In 2016, we received a George Ross Legacy Grant for $4000 to purchase new tools and 218 native species to plant in NARS. We also planted native species around Piper Spit that year and went back to plant more in 2017 as well as the area between the Avalon lot and the Lake. Now in its fifth year, the BLPA is happy to be able to host two EcoBlitz events on Sunday, October 14 and Sunday, October 21, (both  1:00-4:00 pm). On the 21st, we are working with TD to deliver a TD Tree Days event.

We are grateful to TD Tree Days for awarding the grant used to fund the purchase of the native speces being planted. To find out more about TD Tree Days, click here.

We would also like to thank Metro Vancouver Biosolids Project Team for donating native species Spiraea douglasaii, more commonly known as hardhack, that has been planted in Nutrifor™ Landscaping Soil.

On October 14, meet us to start the work of planting native species in the Lenson Field, and clean up any wayward weeds if needed. Remember to dress for the weather, sturdy and water proof shoes or boots, rain pants, jackets and a hat if needed. We’ll provide the gloves, tools and snacks! Ages 8+  Click below for registration details. Please RSVP as space is limited and this will help us organize enough tools and pizza! See you on the 14th!

EcoBlitz 2018-1

On October 21, we’ll finish up the work at Lenson Field by planting native species, removing invasive species that are lingering and any restoration work that needs to be done in that are of the park.  Remember to dress for the weather, sturdy and water proof shoes or boots (there are some soggier soils depending on which area you are assigned), long pants, jackets and a hat if needed. We’ll provide the gloves, tools and snacks! Ages 8+  Click below for registration details. Please RSVP as space is limited and this will help us organize enough tools and pizza! See you on the 21st!

EcoBlitz 2018-2

Weedbusters Mid-Summer Check-in


We’ve officially started the second half of the year and as promised in our newsletter, we want to keep you up to date with our progress.

So far, the BLPA Weedbusters have had 4 public work parties since April.

BLPA Stewardship Progress 2018-06

Of note:

  • We welcomed community members not only from Burnaby, but across Metro Vancouver from West Vancouver to the Tri-Cities.
  • Our April Weedbuster happened to fall on Earth Day, and we had several people come out specifically because they wanted to do something for the environment on this day, including one person who took time from his holidays from Ontario!
  • While we go after the “usual suspects” of invasive species, English ivy (Hedera helix), Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), a few Black locust or False acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) trees were discovered on the Glencarin restoration site. This species is originally from the US south, and can grown in dense stands whose shade will suppress seedlings from native trees.
  • The June 10 work party was held as part of the Wild About Burnaby Lake event we co-hosted with Metro Vancouver Regional Parks and the City of Burnaby, and a lot was accomplished considering the group size.

Thanks to all of our great volunteers for all of their hard work and being native plant champions!

Photo credits: (left to right) I. Lau, D. Tan, Jennifer Strang Photography, A. Green