Our event listings include:
BLPA run events • Events we attend with our community partners • Metro Vancouver Regional Park Interpreter led events held at Burnaby Lake Regional Park (indicated by MVRP in the title) • Metro Vancouver Regional Park events that are open to the public that we think may be of interest to the Burnaby Lake community

Weedbusters 2016-9

Burnaby Lake Nature House 4519 Piper Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada

The Burnaby Lake Park Associa!on is con!nuing work on the riparian restora!on along Piper Spit. We are targe!ng blackberry along the spit. Come prepared for the weather and wear sturdy footwear as we will be working off the trails. Wear long sleeves and pants to protect yourself from the blackberry thorns. Gloves, tools, equipment and refreshments provided. […]