Learn About Nature in a Fun, Friendly and Beautiful Environment

We are so thankful our stewardship and community partners who will be at Wild About Burnaby Lake to share information about their own programs and answer any questions you may have about nature!  Check out the event page for full details. See you on Sunday!

  • Burnaby Lake Park Association – Discover BLPA programs: nest box monitoring, Weedbuster work parties to remove invasive species – including one you can join today! – as well as the wildlife and birds you can find in Burnaby Lake Regional Park as well as a display of nests. 
  • City of Burnaby Planning Department – Learn about ecological restoration and recent examples of such projects undertaken in the City as a condition of redevelopment. Restoring ecosystems is not only good for plants and animals, it is also a community amenity and makes our community more liveable. 
  • Metro Vancouver Regional Parks – Learn about some of the plants and animals that call Burnaby Lake Regional Park home through interactive games and activities.  
  • Bird Studies Canada – Learn the top 6 ways to help birds in the middle of the city. Guess which nests belong to local birds and pick up other information about birds. There have been lots of feathered friends visiting Burnaby Lake this Spring so if you have questions about a bird you have seen, bring your pictures and questions! 
  • Catching the Spirit Youth Society – Play “Environmental Jeopardy” and try to answer environmental questions to receive a prize. Learn about the CTS program which promotes 
     youth leadership and environmental stewardship.
  • Eagle Creek Streamkeepers – Learn about this tributary which starts at the top of Burnaby Mountain and empties into Burnaby Lake along Piper Spit as well as the history of this creek and salmon enhancement. 
  • Environmental Youth Alliance – Visit the EYA booth to learn about their summer youth programming that builds ecological leadership skills such as the Native Plant Nursery and Pollinator Citizen Science. There will be native plants, bee and bird boxes on display along with stickers and seeds to give away. 
  • Metro Vancouver Biosolids – Nutrifor™ – Metro Vancouver recycles treated wastewater safely and responsibly to create Nutrifor™, a fertilizer made from biosolids. Adding Nutrifor™ to land provides valuable nutrients and builds healthy soil.It has been used to plant native species to create wildlife habitat and restore lands throughout Metro Vancouver. People who visit the booth can take home a free native plant – Spiraea douglasii, more commonly known as hardhack – that has been planted in Nutrifor™ Landscaping Soil. 🌿
  • North Shore Black Bear Society – help us all be Bear Aware. They will have bookmarks and leaflets so you can learn how to reduce attractants and negative bear interactions. For the kids, they will have bear tattoos, bear attractants drawing game, and a ‘What to do if you meet a bear’ word game.
  • Northern Spotted Owl Captive Breeding Program – Visit their display to see feathers, eggs, and pellets from the residents at the breeding facility as well as a nest that was formerly used by one of the owls. They will also have their glove trained Barred Owl on site so people can learn about the differences between Spotted Owls and Barred Owls.
  • Northwest Wildlife Preservation Society – Visit their interactive wildlife education display to see highlights of their society’s work throughout BC, as well as discuss the incredible biodiversity of species within our province, their adaptations, biology, behaviours and much more!
  • Pacific Parklands Foundation – Learn about the Foundation and how your donations can make a difference in regional park including grants and scholarships, EcoBlitzes, Catching the Spirit Youth Society, programs that happen at Burnaby Lake and throughout the other Regional Parks.
  • South Coast Conservation Program – Through pictures, handouts and games, learn about how to identify local critters and about the many species at risk in and around the Lower Mainland.
  • Stanley Park Ecology Society – Visit their display to see a Coyote pelt, skull, tracks, and tips to co-exist and learn a few simple actions, we can help reduce conflicts between people, pets and coyotes. 
  • Stoney Creek Environment Committee – Discover the location of the Stoney Creek watershed and the work the SCEC does for the benefit of salmon and the local community. Find out about the activities undertaken by members and volunteers and how you can get involved: stream upkeep, fish monitoring and counting, community events like the annual Great Salmon Send Off, invasive plant removal, planting of native plants, education about fish species to be found in Stoney Creek, as well as birds and wildlife in the area,
  • Wild Research Canada – Visit their booth to see a display of birds and butterflies, discover their programs and how volunteers can get involved. For the kids, there will be colouring pages, stickers and magnets, pick up a field ID guide for your own nature walks, or some WildResearch merchandise (t-shirts and long-sleeved shirts).
  • Wildlife Rescue Association of BC – Visit the WRA display and they will also show you what to do if you find an injured bird or baby bird and what can you do to coexist with urban wildlife. Kids can make a wildlife puzzle or decorate a window decal to prevent birds striking windows as well as view a beaver pelt and taxidermy goose on display.

Whooo’s Coming to Wild About Burnaby Lake?

Did you know?

NSOBPThe Northern Spotted Owl is one of Canada’s most endangered animals. Learn more at Wild About Burnaby Lake on June 10th. At 12:30 pm, the Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Program will present a closer look what they are doing to help restore the population of Spotted Owls in BC. Visit their display to see feathers, eggs, and pellets from the residents at the breeding facility as well as a nest that was formerly used by one of the owls. They will also have their glove trained Barred Owl on site so people can learn about the differences between Spotted Owls and Barred Owls.
Whooo would miss this? See you there!

Rhododendron Festival 2018

IMG_8972It was a glorious day out at the Shadbolt Centre and Deer Lake Park and a great time at the City of Burnaby’s Annual Rhododendron festival meeting members of the community and visitors. Thanks to everyone who came to visit our display and ask questions about Invasive species, native plants, our Weedbuster program, mason bees, nest boxes, birds and wildlife in Burnaby Lake Regional Park.

If you missed picking up some of our handouts, you can find links here: