Tag Archives: owls

MVRP Owl Walk

Whooo can see in the dark and fly on silent wings? Listen for owls and other night sounds on this winter night 3.5 km walk.

The Park Interpreters will try to attract some owls by playing owl calls – and review common owls and bring our typical specimens

​All ages.

Free, registration not required.

MVRP Superb Owl Sunday

Football not your thing? Come meet the Metro Vancouver Regional Park Interpreters and cheer for your favourite owl instead.

Check out their SuperOWL – football related display. You can dissect an owl pellet, kids games in the back field and little scavenger hunt.

SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE:  The Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Program will be here with Forrest, the barred owl.

​All ages.


Registration not required.

Whooo’s Coming to Wild About Burnaby Lake?

Did you know?

NSOBPThe Northern Spotted Owl is one of Canada’s most endangered animals. Learn more at Wild About Burnaby Lake on June 10th. At 12:30 pm, the Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Program will present a closer look what they are doing to help restore the population of Spotted Owls in BC. Visit their display to see feathers, eggs, and pellets from the residents at the breeding facility as well as a nest that was formerly used by one of the owls. They will also have their glove trained Barred Owl on site so people can learn about the differences between Spotted Owls and Barred Owls.
Whooo would miss this? See you there!