November Stewardship Opportunities

We hope you have been enjoying the fall. We are hosting more stewardship events in November!

The first 2 events will meet at the Lenson Garage located on 9146 Avalon Avenue.
On November 12th, we will be laying down cardboard/coffee bags over the grass and then covering it with dirt and spreading a seed mix of wildflowers. Then on November 18th, volunteers will be building a fence to protect the Wildflower Meadow. Check here for detailed directions, including transit, to get to this location.

More details and sign up links:

The second set of 2 events are at the Burnaby Lake Nature House located at 4519 Piper Avenue. We will be digging up blackberry roots behind the Nature House and covering the ground with weed cloth to dissuade birds from nesting at this location in the spring which would allow us to continue stewardship work in the area according to provincial and federal regulations. There might be an opportunity to prepare the Butterfly Garden for the winter.

More details and sign up links:

Salmon Sunday at Cariboo Dam

Chum are the most common salmon species you may see at Cariboo Dam in the fall. iStock

One of the great things about the return of the traditional fall weather – cooler temperatures and rain – is the return of spawning salmon. Join the BLPA to celebrate their return!

DATE: Sunday, October 22
TIME: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
MEET: Cariboo Dam

Cariboo Dam, located at the east end of Burnaby Lake, is a great spot to view one of the great miracles of the natural world as salmon return from the ocean to their natal stream to spawn and complete their life cycle.

Visit our display to learn about salmon, the history of Cariboo Dam, the birds and wildlife you will see around the park during this time of year, the history of the BLPA, our activities and how to get involved!

Pick up a Waterways of Burnaby poster so you can find the streams in your neighbourhood.

We are also offering a guided nature walk using the iNaturalist app. It’s a great tool that you can download to help you identify the nature around you.

Register for the 12 pm Guided Nature walk here.

Fall is a great time to use the app! You may be able to capture sightings of organisms that can be only seen this time of year like funghi and spawning salmon. Also, the Regional Parks Snap & Share project is happening during the month of October! By registering and sharing your observations, you can be eligible to win a prize!

Register for Snap & Share here.

You can also share your salmon sightings with the Watershed Watch Salmon Society‘s annual Salmon Spawn Watch. With climate change and other pressures, the number of salmon returning to each stream every year is changing. You can help them better understand what is happening with salmon around the province with just your phone and a social media account. Learn how to take part here and be eligible for prizes!

Cariboo Dam overlooks the Brunette River to the East where the salmon have made their way from the Fraser. They will spawn in the Brunette or make their way up any of the tributaries such as Stoney Creek or Eagle Creek. Some of them will rest and continue up the beautiful fishway into Burnaby Lake.

Salmon come back to their natal stream where they were ‘born’ because they ‘know’ it is a good place to spawn; they won’t waste time looking for a stream with good habitat and other salmon. Scientists believe that salmon navigate by using the earth’s magnetic field like a compass.When they find the river they came from, they start using smell to find their way back to their home stream. They build their ‘smell memory-bank’ when they start migrating to the ocean as young fish.1

Cariboo Dam is located on Cariboo Road between Government Road and Avalon Avenue in Burnaby, BC. You can park at the lot at 9157 Avalon Avenue or look here for directions.

1 US Geological Survey