Category Archives: Invasive Species Removal

June Weedbusters

The BLPA is fortunate to have wonderful community partners. Stantec first hosted a “Stantec in the Community” day of service with us in 2015, and we have been lucky to host them several times over the years. This year, they are combining their day of service along with a generous donation to be put towards a nesting survey of the work site so we can host our work parties.

Why is this important?
We typically cannot remove invasive plants during nesting season to avoid disturbing birds. However, with a certified nesting survey completed by a Registered Profesional Biologist (RPBio) or Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) just before our events, they will check the site to discover any nesting birds. If a nest is identified, they will mark out a buffer zone to illustrate the no go area. This information will allow us to host back to back Weedbuster events since we will be able to identify safe areas to remove invasive Himalayan Balsam by hand without impacting active nests.

This work site will be a new one for most. We will meet at the Rowing Pavilion Parking Lot and walk over together.  

The two work parties will take place from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Register at the links below:

December Stewardship Opportunities

Our work at the Burnaby Lake Nature House continues!

We will keep on digging up invasive Himalyan blackberry roots behind the Nature House. When that job is done, the ground will be covered with weed cloth to dissuade birds from nesting at this location in the spring which would allow us to continue stewardship work in the area according to provincial and federal regulations. 

Register at the following links:

Please note, work parties will take place as long as weather conditions allow. Our Coordinator will contact you if any there are changes.

We will take a short break after this and start up again in January as weather conditions allow. Once you sign up for a Weedbusters event, you will be notified of future opportunities or keep an eye on our social media for future dates.

November Stewardship Opportunities

We hope you have been enjoying the fall. We are hosting more stewardship events in November!

The first 2 events will meet at the Lenson Garage located on 9146 Avalon Avenue.
On November 12th, we will be laying down cardboard/coffee bags over the grass and then covering it with dirt and spreading a seed mix of wildflowers. Then on November 18th, volunteers will be building a fence to protect the Wildflower Meadow. Check here for detailed directions, including transit, to get to this location.

More details and sign up links:

The second set of 2 events are at the Burnaby Lake Nature House located at 4519 Piper Avenue. We will be digging up blackberry roots behind the Nature House and covering the ground with weed cloth to dissuade birds from nesting at this location in the spring which would allow us to continue stewardship work in the area according to provincial and federal regulations. There might be an opportunity to prepare the Butterfly Garden for the winter.

More details and sign up links: